Saturday, January 15, 2011

Throwing some paint around

Now that the New Year has well and truly begun it's time to make good on the 'resolutions' that I again made a list of this year. As far as modelling goes they're simple really,

1. Don't start another project, unless I have less than three on the go.

2. Be regular in my modelling, allow time for the hobby that I enjoy.

3. Have more regular 'modelling' nights with the fella's.

There you go simple really.

Today I began working on the second of these year long endeavours, regular modelling. During the construction of my layout I've been trying to complete things in a methodical manner, as this is my first time at this. I want to complete each module as far as the scenery is concerned from the back to the front. This means that the backdrop is the first thing to do after the track work is done. Well I really needed a break from the trackwork so onto the backscene painting instead.

The painting is something I find rather enjoyable. As yet I'm not sure if others would find it as enjoyable after the product is completed! These photos are of the work in progress and I've gone on a bit from here. I did find that painting and having a beer did make the experience alot more enjoyable.

As usual I've loaded the photos in the wrong order. The first is actually the centre shot of the module, whilst the second is the RH end with the track disappearing into the backscene. The third is another of the centre of the module, making the clouds a bit easier to see. Clouds, can't get them right, this will have to do.

A quick post tonight and with some photos! See ya, Geoff.


  1. Geoff,
    I can't wait to attend another modelling night.

  2. Geoff,

    Look forward to seeing SSC in Toowoomba on the 4th and 5th of June.

    Ted (Teditor) Freeman
