I'm uploading a copy of the 'revised' trackplan to this Blog. I owe Gary Laker a huge 'thank you' for the assistance he's been in helping me 'signal' my layout. The background knowledge he has shared really helped the plan come together well. The plan has had a couple of changes due to space restrictions and wanting to have a more prototypical basis behind the design.
SSC is located in a ficticious location in country NSW, a through station on a short branchline. The facilities are few and the standard of tracklaying and infrastructure can best be described as 'Pioneer'.
The signalling is basic, with two home signals controlling the access to the yard area. These being controlled from the station platform, at the mercy of the elements. The two associated points are operated from ground frames be side the signals. The other two points are operated from two lever frames on the loop side of the layout.
The changes to the layout were the relocation of the cattle/sheep siding to the opposite end of the yard, thus allowing a longer siding to accomodate a longer string of wagons. The goods facilities are now the other end of the yard which works quite ok. The biggest change was the complete removal of loco facilities. Firstly this is a through station, so really there was no prototypical reason to have one here, and two I think I was just trying to squeeze too much into a yard that was not 'big' enough, whether in train workings or actual space on the layout.
As always I welcome your responses to this post, and I can now move forward in some preplanning of materials for the pointwork, groundframes and such.
Oh ! One last thing I had a few hours free the other day and was able to construct a revised baseboard for the layout. The others had just too much flexibility, this one is much stronger. The risers are attached as is the base for the trackwork, finally it seems to be moving forward, Good-o!