For anyone that doesn't know me I suppose your left wondering just what all this fuss over the Toowoomba Model Railway Exhibition is all about. I've been a member of a local railway club for about five years now. Since the day I joined I've never thought it was 'a waste of time' or that 'I could have done it all myself anyway'. There are such a wide variety of modellers in the group that there's always another point of view that I hadn't imagined being expressed.
So four years ago I lept into the abyss of being a part of the clubs 'Show Layout' group. I really had no idea of what to expect. Daz gave me a lift in his van, with the club layout packed into the back.
I never expected the level of interest, genuine inquiring questioning, from the general public. The knowledge that people share truly amazes me, I've learnt so much from conversations with like minds of the railway type. The other bonus were the friendships that were sparked that weekend, that continue on today. The show is a great opportunity to catch up with people that you only see once a year, and to see what they've been up to with the hobby over the last twelve months.
Of course for those who've had the opportunity to stay at the show, it's another place overnight. The mere fact that all the panels of the 'shed' aren't blown off by the level of snoring, or the experiences of the two person shower in the amenities block, with cold water to shave in if you chose to maintain the Brad Pitt image. I myself realise that Brad really looks to me for inspiration! Certainly Helen is well pleased that I haven't extended the invitation to include her for this weekend.
Now every year about this time I try to start and finish a couple of modelling projects to take along. This year has seen a couple of my Ian Lindsay kit purchases pulled out of the kits box, to be completed. I'm in the middle of constructing a NSW SHG gaurds van, along with some flat wagons and maybe a couple of BDS open wagons.
So with about four weeks or so to go it's time to dust off the stretcher bed, grab a skivvy(ask me bout that some other time!), a notebook, camera, and plenty of those heat and eat meals in a can. Looking forward to another great weekend, well worth a visit if you are up this way, come over and say Gidday, I'll be the one that looks like Brad!